'We're Not in San Francisco'

Press Release

Date: Sept. 26, 2010
Issues: Marriage


In his response to the Republican Pledge to America, Congressman Steve Rothman once again showed a total disconnect with the citizens District 9. He is however, totally connected to the Obama job killing policies and Nancy Pelosi's priorities. He continues to put his liberal agenda and partisan politics ahead of the specific wishes of the people. He voted for, and was a chief sponsor of Obama Care. He is rated "hostile" by the Citizens Against Government Waste. This month he continued to march to the tune of party leadership as they avoided producing a budget, and now he's ducking the Bush tax cut issue. "I'm really stunned that the only thing that got his attention in the Republicans' Pledge to America was the pledge to restrict abortion funding and a promise to honor traditional marriage", said Michael Agosta, Republican candidate for Congressional district 9.

"I'm beginning to think Steve has spent so much time with Nancy Pelosi that he thinks he's representing a district in San Francisco, "said Mr. Agosta. "Most of the citizens in our district would probably agree with the idea that there are too many abortions and the government should not be funding them. I'm pretty sure that most of the District 9 voters believe as I do, that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Pledge To America is all about creating jobs and cutting taxes. I thought it didn't go far enough in proposals to cut government spending "', said Agosta. "It's unbelievable that with all the economic issues, and all the people out of work in district 9, Rothman's concerns about the Pledge were about protecting abortions and gay marriage. Did he forget our unemployment rate?" said Agosta.

"We're weeks from massive tax INCREASES for small businesses, the middle class and senior citizens. People are hurting. Rothman's not listening to the real concerns of his constituency. Change will not come to Washington until we change the career politicians down there who are clearly disconnected from the people. The voters have a clear choice this year. I've heard from thousands of voters this summer and if they elect me to represent them, my first priority will be to repeal the entire job killing policies of Steve Rothman and the Obama administration and give the country back to the people", said Mr. Agosta.
